Я використовую це казино місяць. Від початку депозити здійснювалися за 3 хвилини, а зняття – не раніше 3 годин і не пізніше наступного дня.
Проблема виникла через місяць
Одного дня я зняв свій депозит, а наступного дня всі мої корейські банківські рахунки були призупинені. Обліковий запис, з якого я зняв свій депозит, було повідомлено як обліковий запис голосового фішингу, і всі мої облікові записи також було призупинено.
Я повідомив їм про цей факт, але вони не вживають жодних заходів і не вирішують жодної проблеми.
І з того часу вони видали мені kyc, і я зробив усе, що вони хотіли, але минуло 15 днів, а я досі не отримав свій депозит. Коли я з ними звертаюся, вони просто кажуть мені почекати. Це казино з купою проблем
Я використовую це казино протягом місяця. Від початку депозити здійснювалися за 3 хвилини, а зняття – не раніше ніж через 3 години та не пізніше наступного дня.
Проблема виникла через місяць.
Одного дня я зняв свій депозит, а наступного дня всі мої корейські банківські рахунки були призупинені. Рахунок для зняття депозиту було повідомлено як голосовий фішинговий обліковий запис, тому всі мої облікові записи було призупинено.
Я їм про це повідомив, але вони нічого не зробили для вирішення проблеми.
Після цього вони видали мені KYC, і я зробив усе, що вони хотіли, але навіть через 15 днів я все ще не отримав свій депозит. Коли я зв’язався з ними, вони просто сказали мені почекати. У цього казино багато проблем.
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem arose a month later
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The account from which I withdrew my deposit was reported as a voice phishing account, and all my accounts were also suspended.
I reported this fact to them, but they are not taking any action or solving any problem.
And since then they issued me a kyc and I did everything they wanted but it's been 15 days and I still haven't received my deposit back. When I contact them they just tell me to wait. This is a casino with a lot of problems
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem rose after a month.
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The deposit withdrawal account was reported as a voice phishing account, so all my accounts were suspended.
I reported this to them, but they did not do anything to solve the problem.
And after that, they issued a KYC to me and I did everything they wanted, but even after 15 days, I still have not received my deposit back. When I contacted them, they just told me to wait. This casino has a lot of problems.
나는 이 카지노을 한 달간 이용했습니다. 처음부터 보증금 입금은 3분 출금은 빠르면 3시간 늦으면 익일에나되었습나다.
문제는 한달 후에 생겼습니다
어느날 보증금 출금을 하고 그 다음날에 나의 머든 한국의 은행 계좌 전부가 지급정지 되었습니다. 보증금 출금 계좌가 보이스피싱 계좌로 신고되어 나의 계좌 전부도 지급정지를 당했습니다.
나는 이 사실을 그들에게 보고했지만 그들은 어떠한 노략도 해결도 하지 않고 있습니다
그리고 그 이후 그들은 나에게 kyc를 발효했고 나는 모든 것을 그들이 원하는데로 해주었지만 15일이 지난 지금에도 나는 나의 보증금을 돌려 받지 못하고 있습니다.. 그들에게 연락하면 그저 기다리라는 말뿐입니다. 문제가 정말 많은 카지노입니다
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem arose after a month.
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The deposit withdrawal account was reported as a voice phishing account, so all my accounts were suspended.
I reported this to them, but they did not do anything to solve the problem.
And after that, they issued a KYC to me and I did everything they wanted, but even after 15 days, I still have not received my deposit back. When I contacted them, they just told me to wait. This casino has a lot of problems.
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